Thursday, April 7, 2011

Meeting Authors -- Does this Impact Collection Development?

Find out by virtually "meeting" with the authors who are attending TLA, today!

If you meet an author, does that change the way you do your collection development work?

At TLA, there are dozens of incredible authors and illustrators in attendance. Perhaps you'll get to meet some of your favorites. Will that experience alter the way you choose books for your library?

Let's find out -- but virtually.

This link (also linked below) contains all of the online materials that has in our library of resources about these attending authors and illustrators. All of the materials are absolutely free for you to use, and you do not need a subscription to enjoy or share them. Just click on author and/or book resources that you would like to see, and voila... Meet the authors now!

From this link, you'll find...
  • Videos of some of the attending authors filmed in their studios,
  • Audio recordings of them introducing their books,
  • Audio files of them pronouncing their names,
  • Ready-to-use lesson plans for their books,
  • Video book trailers,
  • and much more.
Will meeting them this way impact your collection development experiences? Feel free to let me know by visiting me at the conference, or by emailing me at

I hope that you enjoy these virtual connections to the authors and books attending TLA this year.

Twitter in Collection Development

There is so much information on the Web to help you consider the merits of books for your collection needs, including:
  • Websites and blogs of reviewers
  • Websites and blogs of publishers
  • Websites and blogs of authors
  • Websites and blogs of booksellers
  • Websites and blogs of libraries
  • Websites and blogs of friends....

Then there is Facebook, various book and library forums, wikis, and other community locations where people can share their opinion about books.

But what about Twitter? Is this is a useful resource for collection development? You might be asking if you should invest your time in this social media tool to assist with your work. Is it worth while? My answer to this, like other information sources, is it depends.

Twitter for me is like an ESPN highlight tape of the baseball games played last night: brief exciting moments, lacking the context which to me is the ultimate beauty of the art form, but offering enough pizzazz to get one interested. And because I love baseball (and books), I like this stuff.

If you want to explore Twitter to see if it can support your work here are a few suggestions.
  • First off, signing up is easy and free. You can do that at
  • Choose to follow individuals and organizations that you feel will offer authoritative information to assist with your work. This could be @goodreads, @PublishersWkly, @sljournal, @ALA_Booklist, @HornBook, or individuals like @joycevalenza or @CynLeitichSmith
  • When you go to someone's Twitter page, read the description they gave for their work. Also look over their recent Tweets, and see if these bits of information resonates with your needs. If it sounds appealing, then follow them.

  • Once you are on someone's Twitter page that meets your needs, see who else they follow (or who else follows them). You'll probably find people you also want to follow, and they might even follow you... and so forth.
As for the tweets themselves, here's some thoughts on the anatomy of a Tweet.
  • You get up to 140 characters of information.
  • It starts blank. 140 characters to go.
  • Text. This should be snappy and intriguing -- and don't expect it to contain the book title or the authors' name, because those can take a lot of characters.
  • Use lots of shortcuts and don't worry about using proper sentence structure. Writing Tweets reminds me of how I text on a phone -- using as many shortcuts as possible (so that I don't have to keep thumbing my way through a thought).
  • Link. You should know that this takes a minimum of 12 characters, but links usually are 20ish characters long. If you see something called TinyURL or, these are free services that can shorten a long web address to a 20ish character link.
  • Hash tags. You'll see #TEXT within many Tweets. These are searchable tag fields, enabling users to find all relevant tweets for specific issues or gatherings. For example, #tla11 will be on all tweets that are relevant to the Texas Library Association 2011 conference. For children's books, my favorites are: #kidlit #yalit #reading #books #writing #poetryfriday #poetry #childrensbooks

Summary: Twitter might help you learn about articles and resources on the Web that can support your collection development, but I doubt you'll get enough information on Twitter itself.

To end, here are a few quotes about Twitter that I culled on April 5, 2011 from

"oh this is going to be addictive" - Dom Sagolla, Twitter co-creator

"The qualities that make Twitter seem inane and half-baked are what makes it so powerful" - Jonathan Zittrain, Harvard law professor and Internet expert (Source)

"Using Twitter for literate communication is about as likely as firing up a CB radio and hearing some guy recite 'The Iliad.'" - Bruce Sterling, science fiction writer and journalist (Source)

"Whoever said that things have to be useful?" - Evan Williams, Twitter co-founder and CEO


Final thought: Feel free to follow my Tweets --- @TeachingBooks

Oops...Wrong Cookie

I thought I should talk a little about the blog that I post on, Oops...Wrong Cookie. I started this blog along with several of my colleagues as a way for us to continue our discussion of books that we were having in real life in a more public forum. It was a way for us to try to improve our writing skills (improved and still improving) and try out new things and share our love of literature with anyone who was interested in reading.

On that note, here are some of the things that we do at Oops that I particularly enjoy and am proud of.

Live Blogging:
Myself and another poster like to IM and chat during the ALA award broadcasts. Our reactions are immediate and uncensored, honest, and I think pretty funny. I especially appreciate these posts because my fellow poster moved to another state and we don't get to have these conversations in person any more

Review Award Series:
Sometimes you learn a lot when you review books in context to other books. Or when you read an entire series, or read an entire award list. At the Austin Public Library we do a yearly Mock Newbery and Mock Printz. I try to post reviews of all the books, sometimes two reviews (and to me those are the most interesting because I can actually track how my feelings on a book change), and then post on how the voting turned out and who won.

Try out Different Review Formats:

Share Opinions:

That is the best thing about having a blog. You can share your opinion and have people agree and disagree and converse about books.

Monday, April 4, 2011

The online versus the live

I've run a mock Newbery group since 2003, when I was serving on the committee and wanted to have seed group for discussing eligible titles, as a way to practice discussing them and refine my opinions on them.  The following year, a local colleague served on the committee and mentioned she hoped I'd be doing it again.  Since then, I just never seemed to be able to not do it.   To me it's better than a bookgroup: it only meets once, and has the added wild-card elements of the intricate consensus voting procedures and the anticipation of the actual awards.  It makes for very rich connections with people in the area who share this interest, but with whom I may not interact with any other time of year. 

It is, however, a lot of work. So in 2006, I started the blog Nina's Newbery as a way to keep notes on titles, get ideas for titles, and communicate logistics with those interested in attending.  It was also the perfect narrow focus for me to experiment with blogging. In 2007, I chaired the Newbery committee, and my friend and colleague Sharon McKellar took over the blog and mock discussion, so that I could maintain neutrality.  In 2008 we were invited to move our blog to School Library Journal's website, where it became Heavy Medal.

Since then, the online mock Newbery discussion has become it's own beast, and I find myself having to refer to our "live" mock Newbery discussion to differentiate that event where a couple of dozen people all gather in the same room for a long Sunday afternoon.   Over the years, each venue has become more and more different in what it offers, and I think they serve as useful examples of the value in online versus live discusison in general.

The online discussion adds instanteonusness...a place for on-the-spot discussion when you want it, with whoever happens to be there.  It's only lightly moderated, and groundrules are nearly impossible to establish, as you never know at what point someone as entered the conversation.  When attempting to moderate or have a detailed discussion, it's very difficult to tell whether the other partcipant understands, pays attention, or cares, as there are no body language cues, and you have to wait for their response (if it comes) to see if they "got" it.   It works, but while the actual posting of comments gives you quick and anytime access to a conversation... actually having a productive conversation can take much longer, and expend much more energy (mental, emotional, physical--poor hands!) that a live one.  Given all that, in the end it's that unpredictability that keeps the online discussion unique and refreshing.  It will always offer different opinions that you have access to in person.

The live discussion adds efficiency to the conversation, but also depth.  With everyone committed in mind, spirit and body, to be in the same place at the same time to tackle a topic, you can cover amazing ground.  You can develop aspects of a collegial relationship that may have started online, but really gels when you get to meet each other face to face (oh, she pulls a funny face when she uses that catch-phrase! Or, it's not my imagination, she even looks like my mother. Or, oh well, she's married.). Where the online discussion doesn't lend itself to climatic moments (since everyone experiences it separately, and at different times) and tends to peter out at the finish of a season (sometime leaving me thinking, I'll admit, "can I do this again?")...  the live discussion offers a moment of shared triumph that is electric and silly-happy-making as we glance at each others' faces to trade surprise, pleasure, grief and satisfaction.  Though each year the preparations for this live discussion make me think, I'll admit, "why am I doing this again?" the end of it I always come around with: "Note to self: must do it again. Just do it."

In my own professional life I'm constantly strapped for time, and the balance of where my energy goes constantly shifts.  If I'm overly consumed with online discussions now, it'll be at the expense of getting together with colleagues face to face, and that balance will shift in the other direction over the course of months.  I feel strongly that each kind of interaction feeds my thinking about collection development in different ways, each equally important.   While access to live discussion is different depending on where you are, there are ways to make it happen. If regular local group meetings are just not possible, regional or national conferences offer intense doses of the live experience.   And happily, today, where the financial constraints hamper, online forums are there to pick up the slack.

Friday, April 1, 2011

RSS Feeds and Following Blogs

One of the easiest ways to read blogs is to subscribe to their RSS Feed (which stands for Really Simple Syndication - PC Mag). This means that you create an account with an RSS Reader.

There are different readers, but the one I use is Google Reader. It was a default choice. I have a Gmail account and my blog is hosted by Blogger (both are Google entities).

What a reader allows you to do is subscribe to multiple RSS feeds and gives you the power to organize these feeds by type. For example, you could organize your blog subscriptions with categories such as storytime, YA blogs, crafts, etc., which makes it very easy to scan your reader and decide what you want to read.

Basically, the advantage to using a reader is this: You don't have to keep visiting websites to see if they've updated their content, you can access your account from multiple computers (whereas you can't with bookmarks), you can organize the content, and it is easy and convenient.

Here is what it looks like to read something in your Google Reader:

What do you lose with a Reader? You will not see anything on the Reader outside the blog post. You will probably have to click through to visit the blog to actually comment. If a blogger has added content like something that shows their Twitter feed, you will not see that either.

To Lurk or Not to Lurk, That is the Question

What exactly is this "lurking" thing I'm referring to?

Well, part of joining the online conversation is to converse - and in the online world that can mean commenting on people's blog posts. A comment can let a blogger know you enjoyed the review or it can continue a discussion in further detail. Maybe you disagree with the review? Maybe you saw a key plot point differently? Like any book discussion, this can lead people to a different opinion on a book and that is one of the most exciting things about discussing books - no matter where the conversation takes place.

When people read online content and do not comment, they are called lurkers. It sounds a bit creepy, but, honestly, it really isn't. A person may find that they have enough time to read a blog, but not enough to participate more actively. Or maybe you're shy and don't feel that you have anything to add to the conversation. In full disclosure, I tend to be a lurker myself. I follow a large number of blogs, but rarely comment. And both of the reasons I listed above apply to why I don't comment more.

What would I get out of commenting?

The obvious answer is the more you participate, the more conversations you can have. The more conversations you have, the more you are likely to get a deeper understanding of children's literature. Which is sort of the point. We want to develop the best book collections for our libraries that we possibly can. We want to have a wide variety of books covering a wide variety of subjects and appealing to a wide variety of patrons with a wide variety of interests. It makes sense that the more we immerse ourselves into the resources available, the better our knowledge will become and that increase of knowledge will be reflected in the collections we develop.

So how can you get started?

For the comment challenged among us, MotherReader hosts a yearly Comment Challenge. Once a year participants are encouraged to comment as much as they can during a 21 day period. Why 21 days? According to MotherReader it is said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. More about the Comment Challenge from MotherReader's Blog:

What if I told you that for the cost of a few extra minutes a day, you can boost your blog readership, foster a feeling of connection, and make someone’s day? I’m talking about commenting.
For those of you who want to get even more involved there is an annual KidLitosphere Conference as well as the annual Cybils: The Children's and Young Adult Blogger's Literary Award.

Who Reviews - Part Two: Focus on Bloggers

So about these Bloggers...what exactly do you look for in a blog?

If you look on the KidLitosphere Central Blogger list, you're going to find a really extensive list of people who blog about children and teen books. Do you have to follow them all? You could if you have a whole lot of free time that you want to dedicate to it, but chances are you're going to find that you enjoy some more than others, that you agree with some more than others, and that some (if we're being honest) bore you.

Here is what I look for in a blog:

Opinion: The most important thing I want is opinion. I really want the blogger to be comfortable expressing opinions about the literature that they read. I find that many blogs only post positive blurb-like reviews. This doesn't interest me at all. If I want a blurb, I'll read the book jacket or peruse a catalog.

Thoughtful Reviews: Thoughtful reviews that can explain why or why not a reviewer enjoyed a book. I like to think that many of the bloggers have read From Cover to Cover: Evaluating and Reviewing Children's Books by K.T. Horning which is a fabulous resource. And I like to see that reflected in their reviews.

Voice: I have to admit it, I like snark and I like to laugh. One of the reasons that I love certain blogs (see Leila @ Bookshelves of Doom). I am much more likely to follow a blog when I see personality reflected in reviews.

Length of Reviews: This can really vary. Some bloggers I enjoy write really long in-depth reviews (see Betsy Bird @ Fuse #8), while some are much shorter (see Tasha @ Waking Brain Cells - previously Kids Lit Blog at Menasha Library). Both are great reviewers, but they have very different styles.

Regularity of Posts: Nothing makes me more sad then when a blog I enjoy stops posting (see Kelly @ Yannabe), especially when you had a nice give and take between your blogs. But it happens and then you probably need to search out new blogs (even if you're reluctant to take them off your blogroll because you're hoping they start posting again).

Feel of the Blog: Does this blog feel like it was written by a person who genuinely loves children's books or does it feel like a space for advertising said books? Are they constantly having "Blog Tour" type posts? Blog Tours (a promotional tool used by publishers) aren't bad in and of themselves - I've read interviews with authors on Blog Tours that were fantastic, but an overabundance of Blog Tour posts might mean that the person running the blog is more interested in free books rather than actually having a conversation about the quality of a book.

Authority: Do I want the writer to be a professional librarian? Not necessarily. What is most important is that you enjoy the writing, that it is thoughtful, and that the blogger does not mis-represent themselves. Before she stopped blogging, I particularly enjoyed Steph @ Reviewer X. Steph was (is) a teen who loved books and was passionate in her reviews.

Formal Vs. Informal: Oops...Wrong Cookie (my blog) is very informal and it is deliberately informal. It began as a way for several of my colleagues to try out this new blogging "thing" and communicate among ourselves in a public forum. I blog as a hobby in my free time and I like to express personal opinions. There are other blogs where the reviews are much more formal and impersonal and that is fine too. The important thing is that you enjoy the reviews and the style in which they are written and that if you choose to blog yourself that you find a voice and style that you enjoy.

Blogs with a Purpose: These are blogs that have posts during a certain time of year for a specific purpose. They can be a Newbery discussion blog (see Nina and Jonathan @ Heavy Medal) or can be for a fun contest (see Battle of the Kids' Books). Besides giving you something to look forward to, I find these to have some of the best conversations about books that you'll find on the Internet. This is probably because their purpose is to compare and contrast and really discuss the strengths and weaknesses of books.

Blogs Affiliated with Professional Review Journals: These tend to be a little more informal than the reviews published in the journals. Some don't review at all, instead are there specifially for people to discuss (see Roger @ Read Roger). Kirkus' new blog is more traditional in the sense that their posts are still review oriented, however they have gotten prominent bloggers to write for them. And unlike their journal - these bloggers have names attached (see various @ Kirkus blogs).